Bargaining Update - Steering Committee may call strike vote. Read More

Bargaining Update March 28 2023

On March 28th, the NSLU bargaining team went back to the negotiating table with the company. This is the latest bargaining session to take place since late February, as the company had to back out of the session scheduled for March 15th.

Of most immediate note, the bargaining team communicated to the company that the union will be requesting a Memorandum of Agreement on the recent change in the attendance policy, which reduced the length of time attendance violations stay on one’s record from 1 year to 6 months. This change was implemented only at non-union stores, and for non-bargaining unit employees at unionized shops. NSLU’s legal counsel will be communicating with the company to get this improvement in the attendance policy made for union members as well.

Additionally, two more proposals were given to the company by the union: our Blue Slip Proposal and the Hours of Work Proposal. The company is reviewing these, along with a number of other proposals we have presented, and will be getting back to us with their edits at the upcoming bargaining sessions.

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