PRESS RELEASE: New Seasons Labor Union Unfair Labor Practice Strike Grows
[Portland, OR] — January 31, 2024 —
On Tuesday, January 28th, New Seasons Labor Union Treasurer, and nineteen-year New Seasons employee Randy Foster was discriminatorily fired. After almost 19 years of a spotless discipline record, Randy has been targeted twice in the last 2 months for minor policy violations, both done in service of his legally blind coworker. The final incident which led to his firing was for helping his coworker shut his register down while Randy was on break. In response to this unjust firing, employees at the store rallied to immediately walk off the job and commence an unfair labor practice strike. That strike has been ongoing at the Arbor Lodge location since 3pm Tuesday.
On January 30th, workers at the Seven Corners location voted to join their coworkers in solidarity and also go out on an unfair labor practice strike. Both the Arbor Lodge location (6400 N Interstate Ave, Portland, OR 97217) and the Seven Corners location (1954 SE Division St, Portland, OR 97202) will be on strike on Friday, January 31st. New Seasons Labor Union is demanding the immediate reinstatement of Randy Foster in order to end the strike, but so far New Seasons Market has refused. The strike will continue over the coming days, and may expand to additional locations if Randy Foster is not reinstated. Customers and community supporters are encouraged to join the picket lines at these locations, from 2 to 10 pm Friday, January 31st.
Press Contacts:
Norah Rivera, Co-Chair: 360-621-5152
Ava Robins, Co-Chair: 781-971-3402